🤔 What & Why this board?

If you’re a fellow learner, who’s confused about finding happenings, programs, initiatives & things you can take part-in, meet, engage with like-minded people & contribute back within your fields of expertise, interests, then this board is for you.

🛠️ How to use this board?

You can find two sets of happenings here. One — is interesting external happenings, across the world & the Other — is happenings within The Digital Skills Project. You can engage in both these sets in respective ways.

☕ To know more about happenings across the world!👇

📆 Interesting External Happenings

🍦 Explore happenings within The Digital Skills Project 👇

🙌 Happenings Within ~ The Digital Skills Project

Curated with ☕ by Rahul from ~ The Digital Skills Project.